Termites Sacramento, Termite Control SacramentoDon't Be a Victim to Sacramento Termites! More than 365,000 homes in the United States are involved in a fire each year. More than 600,000 U. S. homes suffer termite damage totaling over $1.5 billion annually. That is more damage than is caused by all fires, storms and earthquakes combined. If you need a termite inspection today then give Hydrex Pest Control in Sacramento a call! In excess of 2 million homes require termite treatment each year. Home owners insurance can help recover losses from fires, storms and earthquakes, but it is almost impossible to carry insurance against termite infestation.
We are the company of choice for Termites Sacramento. Termites in Sacramento can damage and possibly ruin homes. We have encountered many different situations where Sacramento Termites have cause whole house remodeling jobs due to t he severity of there breeding habits. Hydrex Termite control in Sacramento will tackle any termite issue you may be experiencing. From Termite Control Drywood Termites, Termite Control Subterranean Termites, Termite Control Dampwood Termites, to rodent problems such as mice or rats, Hydrex Pest Control will eradicate your termite issues from your home, yard or business. Hydrex Termite control is now serving Sacramento for all of your Pest control, and Termite pest control needs. Hydrex Termite control in Sacramento services the greater Sacramento area with full service termite control. Our dependable staff of termite exterminators have over 20 years of experience! Types of Sacramento Termites: |  | Termite Inspections Sacramento, Termites Sacramento, Termite Control |
When hiring any termite control companies in Sacramento, many typically believe that stability of the foundation is the main focus of the inspection when, in reality, serious foundation problems are among the some of least common building defects and most of the problems will come from termites and dry rot. Below are the top most common defects found in residential real estate when it comes to termite inspections in Sacramento. We strive to provide prompt and dependable termite cotrol service in Sacramento at reasonable prices.
Common Termite InspectionsRoofing Termite Inspections: Problems with roofing material, due to dry rot, termite, dampwood termites or drywood termites, are likely to be found in the majority of homes. This does not mean that most roofs require replacement, but rather that most could use some type of pest control and termite maintenance or repair. Water Intrusion Termite Inspection: Sometimes very damaging to buildings termites can be removed and can be solved this problem. Correction can be as simple as calling hydrex pest control of Sacramento and getting our Termite inspection team out there as soon as possible. Some termites can damage roof gutters, and your water will cause many problems throughout the house. Electrical Termite Inspection: Some of the things that a termite can damage may include; ungrounded outlets, fault interrupters, shock protection devices, and faulty wiring conditions. If termite do get into these places you will have big problems on your hands. Termites can crawl into electrical panels or elsewhere in a building, etc. Give Hydrex Termite Inspection team a call today. Termite infected Rotted wood (dry rot): In areas where wood remains wet for long periods, e.g. roof eaves, exterior trim, decks, around tubs and showers, or below loose toilets, termite infection is likely to attack, resulting in a condition commonly known as dry rot. If left unchecked, damage can be quite extensive. - Termite Damage Signs
- Repairing Termite Damage
- Termite Structural Damage
- Termite Floor Damage
- Termite Ceiling Damage
- Termite Foundation Damage
- Termite Carpet Infestation
- Termite Boat Damage
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