Termite Inspections Sacramento, Termites SacramentoWhen hiring any termite control companies in Sacramento, many typically believe that stability of the foundation is the main focus of the inspection when, in reality, serious foundation problems are among the some of least common building defects and most of the problems will come from termites and dry rot. Below are the “top ten “ most common defects found in residential real estate when it comes to termite inspections in Sacramento. - Seller’s Termite Inspection Sacramento
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Common Termite InspectionsExterior Termite Inspection Sacramento: We then move on to the next step of our Termite inspection process which includes the exterior of your home and the severity of termite damage on the exterior of your home. Plumbing Termite Inspection Sacramento: Plumbing can also be a very important factor when a Termites visit your home. There are many different pipe lines that could have a number of things wrong when termites start the breeding process. If you are not sure if you have a termite problem, it is very possible that you might have a minor problem right now and a Termite inspection could save you thousands down the road. Roof Termite Inspection Sacramento: Inspecting a Roof is always a very important part of a Termite inspection. There are many different styles and types of roofs, so checking for termites is crucial. Our company servicing Termites Sacramento will come in a do a complete termite inspection that will prevent any future roof problems from escalating in the future. We can help If you do not have a certified Termite Inspection, do not let an inexperienced termite inspector inspect a roof. Many things can be overlooked and this can be a very costly mistake. Heating Termite Inspection Sacramento: Heating can be very nice in the winter, but what happens when the heater lines get damaged from termites? Also we have seen a fire start when the whole family is at home because some of the electrical wires got too hot, or even a wood stove had really light embers flying out and the family couldn't even see them. Depending on if you have a wood stove, electric heater, gas heater, you should still have a Sacramento Termite Inspection professional come take a look. Electrical Termite Inspection Sacramento: Electrical Problems in your home can lead to some of the most deadly Termite problems today! More house fires, kitchen fires, and exterior kitchen fires have been started from electrical problems due to termites. Diagnosis of Termite electrical problems are extremely difficult because people usually do not have house plans to go over and find the electrical problems. Let the professionals at Hydrex Termite Control do a thorough termite inspection today. Air Conditioning Termite Inspection Sacramento: As a leading Termite Inspection company in Sacramento, we quickly can pin point the problems that more air conditioning units can have due to termites. Termite Inspections can recognize the performance of your air conditioning listing to how fast the unit is, as well as checking all the vents in the house and finding which vent blows the coolest of hottest can let us determine where the problem is coming from. Interior Termite Inspection Sacramento: A general interior Termite inspection generally takes about 2 to 4 hours depending on the size of the house. With our Termite inspection services we can generate a report for you on the spot and can print it right then and there for you. Let the professionals at Hydrex Termite Control do a thorough interior termite inspection today. Insulation Termite Inspection Sacramento: As a certified Termite Inspection company in Sacramento we have seen many times in homes that there is a small amount of Insulation. Simply by adding more insulation to your existing home can save you money on your electricity bills. With that being said you can save more money by adding insulation to places in your house that have never had insulation installed. Termites can tear away at insulation through breaking down wood over time, allowing a professional termite inspection will prevent future problems from termites. Appliance Termite Inspection: With more and more homes installing built in appliances a Termite Inspection is necessary to check how the appliances were installed to be sure it was done correctly. With the cost of the installed units going up to add on top, it is best to be sure you and your house is protected so nothing happens in the future to your built in appliances. Termites can infest wood around your appliances, so allowing a proper termite inspection could save you thousands of dollars down the road. | Fill out the form below for a free quote:
Let the professionals at Hydrex Termite Control do a thorough termite inspection today. Give us a call: